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Rummy - Offline Board Games

4.6 out of 5
10,000+ downloads

About Rummy - Offline Board Games

Rummy board game is the best choice for people who looking for a high quality board game and the perfect combination of luck, intelligence and skills. If you enjoy playing Belote, Canasta, Okey 101, Mahjong or Gin Rummy, you will find that Rummy offline combines the best elements of them all and improves upon it.

Rummy is a tile-based board game where you can challenge yourself and develop your skills and intellect! Rummy offline allows manipulation of all tiles on the table placed by players, this gives you unlimited move possibilities.

Rummy offline and Remi is similar board versions of Rummy card, 500, Indian Rummy. If you love to play puzzle games like solitaire, free cell and spider, you must try Rummy board game.

No need for an internet connection. It is offline and totally free.

* Use your intellect and beat your rivals.
* Offline game play.
* Smooth game play.
* Clean graphics.
* Different profiles.
* In-game items.
* Different themes.
* Single or multi round modes.
* Smart and strong AI opponents.
* Challenge mode.
* Level up bonus.
* No wifi games.

No matter if you are a beginner or an advanced player, Rummy games are perfect for anyone looking for fun and challenge.

Rummy - Offline Board Games Screenshots