The simple and elegant tool for any date and time calculations used in everyday life. Smart & Quick date calculator designed to operate simple to complex date & time calculations. it's FREE.
Useful Calculators:
-Age by date of birth
-Duration between two dates/times
-Add to or Subtract from date
-How many days between dates
-Working days between dates
-Add to or Subtract from working days
-Time-sheet/Time-card/Payroll calculator
-Stopwatch & Timer
-Date information of given date
Useful Converters:
-World time converter
-Time unit converter
Customize all calculators as per your need. Available in Dark Mode & other stylish themes.
Key Features
Age : Calculate your EXACT AGE in years, months & days based on date of birth. Calculate your actual age even up to Seconds. Save your dates & never forget to wish your friends & family members on their birthdays.
Duration: Calculate difference between two dates or times down to minutes & seconds.
Add to or Subtract from Date: Add or Subtract date & time units to given date & get new date & time.
Countdown: Event Countdown to date & time. Calculate number of days left to date or passed to date. Set event counter for number of days, months, years or hours.
Working Days between Dates: Calculate how many working and non working days & holidays between two dates. Customize your weekends & holidays.
Add to or Subtract from working Days: Calculate the target date by adding number of working days to date. This is great tool to set work deadline.
World Time Converter: Convert the time across the world & know how much ahead or behind your LocalTime with other countries time.
Time Card: Time-sheet for employees, students, payroll administrators, freelancers, labors & the people working on hourly basis. Calculate working hours, OT, total pay. Customize the time-sheet to exclude lunch break, set OT hours and OT rates.
Time Unit Converter: Convert one time unit to other time units.
Date Information: Get helpful information like leap year, days in month & year, weekdays in month & year etc.
Useful Calculators:
-Age by date of birth
-Duration between two dates/times
-Add to or Subtract from date
-How many days between dates
-Working days between dates
-Add to or Subtract from working days
-Time-sheet/Time-card/Payroll calculator
-Stopwatch & Timer
-Date information of given date
Useful Converters:
-World time converter
-Time unit converter
Customize all calculators as per your need. Available in Dark Mode & other stylish themes.
Key Features
Age : Calculate your EXACT AGE in years, months & days based on date of birth. Calculate your actual age even up to Seconds. Save your dates & never forget to wish your friends & family members on their birthdays.
Duration: Calculate difference between two dates or times down to minutes & seconds.
Add to or Subtract from Date: Add or Subtract date & time units to given date & get new date & time.
Countdown: Event Countdown to date & time. Calculate number of days left to date or passed to date. Set event counter for number of days, months, years or hours.
Working Days between Dates: Calculate how many working and non working days & holidays between two dates. Customize your weekends & holidays.
Add to or Subtract from working Days: Calculate the target date by adding number of working days to date. This is great tool to set work deadline.
World Time Converter: Convert the time across the world & know how much ahead or behind your LocalTime with other countries time.
Time Card: Time-sheet for employees, students, payroll administrators, freelancers, labors & the people working on hourly basis. Calculate working hours, OT, total pay. Customize the time-sheet to exclude lunch break, set OT hours and OT rates.
Time Unit Converter: Convert one time unit to other time units.
Date Information: Get helpful information like leap year, days in month & year, weekdays in month & year etc.
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