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Delivaro Customer

Shipox Inc
10+ downloads

About Delivaro Customer

Delivaro is a unique and brand new way to Deliver packages from Lebanon to destinations around the World. Delivaro gives customers a safe and convenient way to pick up and deliver parcels, documents, checks and packages of any size across the Lebanon and Worldwide. Delivaro app makes it easier to manage your delivery orders with easy to use online dashboard. Delivaro's ultimate goal is to provide tailored yet affordable services compared to competition.

We offer a fresh approach to getting things shipped and delivered.

Delivaro app is power packed with features to make sure the logistics process is seamless:

  • Simple Login. Easy to use interface to create new profile or use existing Facebook account to sign-up

  • GPS Navigation. Browse your pickup and drop off location on map;

  • Mobile and web-based. Single account to see your shipment in one place. Minimizes the need of tracking number in hand

  • Multiple orders. Full user profile including customer ability to add multiple orders with single pickup and multiple delivery addresses

  • Waiting for a delivery? Now you can track your order, from pickup through all the delivery progress

  • Real-time status updates to your account through SMS, Push-notifications and email

  • Personalize to schedule your shipment. Ability to choose date and time of the pickup and delivery

  • Easy payment. In-app payment capability, pay through credit card or Cash on Delivery (COD)

  • Review your Delivaro experience every time we complete your order and rate our drivers! We feel closer to you when we hear from you. Same way, our drivers also rate their experience with you

Delivaro compares delivery rates of different courier companies on the platform and finds the lowest rates among several courier companies in the UAE, providing the best courier option to the customer. Parcels can be sent to over 150 destinations from to all over the world. Rates start from only 14 AED for UAE and 25 AED for International deliveries.

Delivaro for Small Business and Enterprise

  • Merchant Cabinet. Delivaro offers merchants a dashboard. Select preferred delivery time to ensure our courier partners deliver exactly when you want, manage all your deliveries in one place

  • Merchants are not bond to a specific courier, their orders are dynamically distributed

  • Since warehousing, fulfilment & delivery is outsourced, merchants focus on sales

  • On-Demand. On Demand Fleet, due to dynamic link between merchant and courier, fleet is flexible

  • Merchants benefit from bulk order deals that Delivaro negotiated with couriers

  • Saver, Next day, Same Day delivery? Delivaro it

  • No set up costs. Send multiple packages to one location for one low price. No set up fees. No minimum volume.

  • Our API integration to merchants website makes last mile, same day delivery affordable, predictable, and flexible.


  1. Choose what you want to send

  2. Mark the pickup and drop-off locations on the map

  3. Fill in the parcel details and confirm

  4. Driver picks up the parcel

  5. Track the parcel all the way to the destination

  6. Delivered - Celebrate! Review and rate the delivery/driver


Download our FREE mobile app today and Delivaro it Your Way!

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