De Paul School, founded in 2003 is a Catholic Convent School owned and managed by the Vincentian Mission Service Society, Ahmednagar in collaboration with Rev. Sisters of Adorers of the Blood of Christ. We follow the footsteps of St. Vincent De Paul, the school caters to the needs of all strata’s of society.
At De Paul, we feel every child is unique and we respect the diversity of the talents within its school family. We also feel the spirit of cooperation is shared between the school family- school staff, parents and students.We believe that every child—at every level of academic performance—can achieve excellence.
At De Paul, we feel every child is unique and we respect the diversity of the talents within its school family. We also feel the spirit of cooperation is shared between the school family- school staff, parents and students.We believe that every child—at every level of academic performance—can achieve excellence.
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