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Sakura Puzzle

Oleg Derevenetz
Free (in-app purchases)
1,000+ downloads

About Sakura Puzzle

Travel to the places of Japan's cherry blossom, enjoying the beautiful scenery. Solve the puzzle with dry branch and see how beautiful it will bloom. Meditate while watching the falling petals. Enjoy the fanciful pictures of blooming flowers. Create your own animated images and send them to friends. Compete every day with other travelers, earn more points and get prizes for your achievements.

- In the campaign mode, solve the puzzle in the allotted time or the number of steps. Use step freeze, time freeze or hints in case of any issues.
- In the campaign mode you will visit different places and you will be able to make many animated images with fanciful branches of blooming sakura.
- In the tournament mode, several sakura branches of varying complexity are available. Every day the first 25 lucky winners, who earn the most points in every of complexity modes, will get prizes.

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