The Sign Language of Honduras (LESHO) is a system created for communication between deaf and hearing people, which not only requires the use of hands, but also characteristics such as: facial expressions, gestures, body language, visual space , gramatical structures.
In its first version it has twelve categories, starting with a compilation of the most common signs to begin with the Sign Language of Honduras (LESHO).
It aims to create a general solution for the population of Honduras for the learning of both hearing impaired people and listeners.
Developed with the help of the Honduran Association of the Deaf (ASH) and the "Happy Hands" School.
It will continue adding signs to make this a more complete application.
In its first version it has twelve categories, starting with a compilation of the most common signs to begin with the Sign Language of Honduras (LESHO).
It aims to create a general solution for the population of Honduras for the learning of both hearing impaired people and listeners.
Developed with the help of the Honduran Association of the Deaf (ASH) and the "Happy Hands" School.
It will continue adding signs to make this a more complete application.
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