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Devocionais diários evangélico

Estudios bíblicos, devocionales y Teología
100,000+ downloads

About Devocionais diários evangélico

Devotionals are one hour of the day, which intentionally set aside to be alone with God. This will help us to grow spiritually, as followers of Jesus Christ. That's when we take a break for everyone, and it took a moment to talk to God (prayer) to listen (to hear his word) to thank, sing, praise and worship, ask what I want to ask you.

A devotional time is a precious time to share with God, to hear his voice, to learn to rejoice about the Father's infinite love. Each believer must be for the best and most important time of the day!

Daily devotionals provide them with much needed time to be with the Lord and follow His Word. The tool consists of both daily devotionals as written.

➜ It is advisable to consult them daily, as this can find the message that God has for you that day.

Some devotionals that you will find this tool are:
- The fruit of the Spirit is joy
- The fruit of Spirit is love
- Walk with those you love
- You have a loving father
- God: love without measure
- Proceed to the target
- Renew the walk

Download the daily daily devotionals and enjoy the incredible story that will make you live more fully and make you grow in your spiritual life.

✔ If you liked this tool, value it, please help us to improve and offer a better product. Daily devotionals contain advertising to cover programming costs. Thanks

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