Toaster timer is meant to help you gain focus on your work by using the pomodoro method. (25 min work, 5 min break). These increments can be adjusted in the app.
Great for any level.
Press Toast to start timer.
Press Pop to stop.
Press Coffee break or Lunch break (sandwich) to start/stop a break.
Set your toaster darkness to adjust study time and coffee breaks.
After two making two toasts, (or pomodoros) gain a 30 minute lunch break.
Become a bread winner - with Toaster Timer!
Great for any level.
Press Toast to start timer.
Press Pop to stop.
Press Coffee break or Lunch break (sandwich) to start/stop a break.
Set your toaster darkness to adjust study time and coffee breaks.
After two making two toasts, (or pomodoros) gain a 30 minute lunch break.
Become a bread winner - with Toaster Timer!
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