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علي صابر - معقوله - اغنية جديد

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About علي صابر - معقوله - اغنية جديد

the words:
Jano Choluli
But I don't mind you
Live and eat!
Gashim Shakd you have fun!
I turned your face and walked
After me I did not go!
To count where? the angel
Sell ​​to your ransom
Nor are you this
To whom I love died!
Nor are you this
To whom I love died!
You should settle with one of your love
Mo Hai mink mink!
I loved you more than my soul
Go to others, why is it similar
Continue with you, is the case
See the goodness you shoot
I liked Almistahlni
Sorry tricks and right it
Continue with you, is the case
Look good, you shot me
I liked Almistahlni
Sorry my tricks and my right for it
What coveted your eyes
My ten days
How are you yet?
I lost your van
Your lover and bond
I was able to
On him you are arrogant
Your destiny they are received
Oh bird Shamatret
Your destiny they are received
All this comes out of you
Glory be to your thinking
Spirit I pay the atonement of your sin
What will happen to others
And I started to learn to stay without you
Go and cut the rubbing and change you
If I need you, hug my soul
Sweet the right, the better you

Digital Distribution: Channels Company

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