Create color & gradient Wallpaper with:
+ Single color: You can select the color by the HSV or ARGB and customize it easily.
+ Linear Gradient: Create gradient wallpaper with many different colors. And customize the angle of it.
+ Radial Gradient: You can change the size and location of the center wallpaper.
+ Standard Gradient: Create wallpaper by the standard color.
+ The current version does not support setting the wallpaper for lock screen. But you can save then set wallpaper for lock screen by manually.
+ Single color: You can select the color by the HSV or ARGB and customize it easily.
+ Linear Gradient: Create gradient wallpaper with many different colors. And customize the angle of it.
+ Radial Gradient: You can change the size and location of the center wallpaper.
+ Standard Gradient: Create wallpaper by the standard color.
+ The current version does not support setting the wallpaper for lock screen. But you can save then set wallpaper for lock screen by manually.
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