SIKI: Indonesian Nursing Intervention Standards
IDHS: Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards
SLKI: Indonesian Nursing Outcome Standard
Nursing diagnoses are a vital part of determining appropriate nursing care to help clients achieve optimal health. However, there are times when health service providers and recipients of health services do not meet expectations, so there is a lawsuit in the matter. Documentation of nursing care is one of the evidence of the responsibility and accountability of nurses in carrying out their duties. So it is necessary to provide knowledge for nurses in documentation. The Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) has officially issued the Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards (IDHS), the Indonesian Nursing Outcomes Standards and the Indonesian Nursing Intervention Standards. What is 3S (IDHS, SLKI, SIKI)? 3S is a translation of the NIC NOC so that nurses who cannot speak English have no difficulty in knowing the diagnosis, outcomes and interventions. IDHS, SLKI and SIKI can be used by nurses in hospitals or independent nursing practice in carrying out their duties.
Nursing diagnoses are useful as a guide for nurses to provide appropriate nursing services according to the patient's condition (Gaffar, 1999). Based on literacy, I also found that nursing diagnoses were determined based on data analysis and interpretation.
Send us your frequently used Diagnostics suggestions to our email so we can add them
IDHS: Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards
SLKI: Indonesian Nursing Outcome Standard
Nursing diagnoses are a vital part of determining appropriate nursing care to help clients achieve optimal health. However, there are times when health service providers and recipients of health services do not meet expectations, so there is a lawsuit in the matter. Documentation of nursing care is one of the evidence of the responsibility and accountability of nurses in carrying out their duties. So it is necessary to provide knowledge for nurses in documentation. The Indonesian National Nurses Association (PPNI) has officially issued the Indonesian Nursing Diagnosis Standards (IDHS), the Indonesian Nursing Outcomes Standards and the Indonesian Nursing Intervention Standards. What is 3S (IDHS, SLKI, SIKI)? 3S is a translation of the NIC NOC so that nurses who cannot speak English have no difficulty in knowing the diagnosis, outcomes and interventions. IDHS, SLKI and SIKI can be used by nurses in hospitals or independent nursing practice in carrying out their duties.
Nursing diagnoses are useful as a guide for nurses to provide appropriate nursing services according to the patient's condition (Gaffar, 1999). Based on literacy, I also found that nursing diagnoses were determined based on data analysis and interpretation.
Send us your frequently used Diagnostics suggestions to our email so we can add them
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