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金剛經 王菲念誦版 免費

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About 金剛經 王菲念誦版 免費

Listening to the Diamond Sutra is free.

When your thinking is complicated, reduced or difficult, or you have a problem
Try to solve these problems through the Buddhist scriptures.

Enjoy it for free.

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*Singing collection
楞严咒,法华经,楞严经,药师经, 金刚经王菲念诵版,普门品,地藏藏本本经,阿弥陀经,八八佛大忏悔文,高王观音经,心经,圆觉Jing, Hua Yan Jing, Great Compassion Mantra, Ci Yun Yi Lord's Pure Land, Reading Buddha Yuan Tongzhang

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