Digital currency price is very simple app to know prices of crypt currency
in dollar and bitcoin at real , you can know percentage changes of crypt currency in
1 hour , 1 day , 1 week and market cap .
cryptocurrencies included in the application:
1 - Bitcoin (BTC)
2 - Ethereum (ETH)
3 - Monero(XMR)
4 - Dashcoin (DASH)
5 - Komodo (KMD)
6 - KoreCoin (KORE)
7 - Neo (NEO)
8 - Litecoin(LTC)
9 - Bytecoin bcn (BCN)
10 - Decred(DCR)
11 - DigiByte(DGB)
12 - Pascal coin(PASC)
13 - Siacoin(SIA)
14 - Feathercoin (FTC)
15 - Ripple(XRP)
16 - Zcash (ZEC)
17 - ZeitCoin (ZEIT)
18 - Ethereum classic (ETC)
19 - Radium (RADS)
20 - Spots (POT)
support English and Arabic language
Data source :
in dollar and bitcoin at real , you can know percentage changes of crypt currency in
1 hour , 1 day , 1 week and market cap .
cryptocurrencies included in the application:
1 - Bitcoin (BTC)
2 - Ethereum (ETH)
3 - Monero(XMR)
4 - Dashcoin (DASH)
5 - Komodo (KMD)
6 - KoreCoin (KORE)
7 - Neo (NEO)
8 - Litecoin(LTC)
9 - Bytecoin bcn (BCN)
10 - Decred(DCR)
11 - DigiByte(DGB)
12 - Pascal coin(PASC)
13 - Siacoin(SIA)
14 - Feathercoin (FTC)
15 - Ripple(XRP)
16 - Zcash (ZEC)
17 - ZeitCoin (ZEIT)
18 - Ethereum classic (ETC)
19 - Radium (RADS)
20 - Spots (POT)
support English and Arabic language
Data source :
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