The Imam al-Hasan Center for Specialized Studies of the Sacred Sacred threshold established the first specialized library in Imam Hassan in the world to collect all books and thousands of books and books. In his honorable life and his fragrant biography as a port and refuge for anyone looking at the life of Imam Hassan. The announcement of the specialized library came within the chapters of the week of affection and the first fulfillment on 13/11/2011 and on the first day of the cultural week, Mujtaba age peace be upon him a year was a phenomenon for specialized libraries for peace fallible they were interested in the announcement by the center in order to be tributary to researchers and authors.
What they contain
The library contains (553) titles and varied language books including:
Books in Arabic
Books in Persian
• Books in Urdu
• Books in English
• Books in Spanish 1
Subjects of books
• Streptococcus topics
• Intellectual topics
• Historical topics
• Jurisprudence topics
• Modern topics
• Topics literature
• Political topics
• Topics biography and translations
This application is in the hands of our dear brothers, which is only a credence to the spread of science in general and the introduction of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba peace be upon him in particular and raise even a little of his grievances prayers of God and peace upon him.
What they contain
The library contains (553) titles and varied language books including:
Books in Arabic
Books in Persian
• Books in Urdu
• Books in English
• Books in Spanish 1
Subjects of books
• Streptococcus topics
• Intellectual topics
• Historical topics
• Jurisprudence topics
• Modern topics
• Topics literature
• Political topics
• Topics biography and translations
This application is in the hands of our dear brothers, which is only a credence to the spread of science in general and the introduction of Imam Hassan al-Mujtaba peace be upon him in particular and raise even a little of his grievances prayers of God and peace upon him.
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