The corporate mobile application is designed to track attendance of participants in classes held as part of the Moscow Longevity program.
Attendance accounting is a set of functions for registering participants who attended a lesson, as well as an additional collection of information about the lesson (class assessment, collecting feedback from participants).
Attendance accounting is carried out by scanning the barcode of the Muscovite Social Card (SCM) of the occupant or reading the card data using NFC technology or entering the participant information manually (SCM number, name and phone number).
The attendance accounting functions are available for users-employees of the Center for Social Services and Territorial Services of Social Services and employees of supplier organizations.
Attendance accounting is a set of functions for registering participants who attended a lesson, as well as an additional collection of information about the lesson (class assessment, collecting feedback from participants).
Attendance accounting is carried out by scanning the barcode of the Muscovite Social Card (SCM) of the occupant or reading the card data using NFC technology or entering the participant information manually (SCM number, name and phone number).
The attendance accounting functions are available for users-employees of the Center for Social Services and Territorial Services of Social Services and employees of supplier organizations.
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