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PLANNER – advanced decompression dive planner for recreational and technical diving. It offers unlimited decompression gases and unlimited profile levels. Calculations for open and closed circuit including bailout plan. Gas management for open circuit, closed circuit and bailout with an innovative approach to consider increased consumption at the moment of emergency. Online editing of the plan. Created plans can be converted to pdf and printed. Both metric and imperial units. Wide range of personal settings.

CHECKLISTS - A useful assistant for Divesoft Liberty rebreather owners. The application is used by owners to safely and completely build any Liberty’s configuration. All checklists will be right at your fingertips. The individual steps are accompanied by illustrative photographs and texts that tell the user the correct procedure and make the assembly easy. The calibration is fascilitated by a detailed guide with an interactive calculation of the expected voltage on the sensors exposed to oxygen calibration. Clear control of correct and failed steps. Thanks to the registration of oxygen sensors and their data, you will be notified in time about their replacement.

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