The Portuguese in the pocket contains tips for you to improve your Portuguese, have the application always on hand to take that nagging doubt, it works completely offline and can save you on almost all occasions.
Never err anything related to:
1 - Reasons Why;
2 - crasis;
3 - Bad / Poor;
4 - But / More;
5 - Under / Over;
6 - In order / order;
7 - By / Through;
8 - Loss / Lose;
9 - For I / For me;
10 - Agent / We;
11 - Session / Section / Assignment;
12 - For / To;
13 - Thank you / Thank you;
14 - Do / Do;
15 - To my mind / In my view;
16 - The principle / in principle / in principle;
17 - Otherwise / No;
18 - Where / Where;
19 - Weekend / Weekend;
20 - About / About / ha approximately;
21 - There was / There were;
Do not forget that assessment with 5 stars to help the application: D
If you have any request, please leave your comment.
Never err anything related to:
1 - Reasons Why;
2 - crasis;
3 - Bad / Poor;
4 - But / More;
5 - Under / Over;
6 - In order / order;
7 - By / Through;
8 - Loss / Lose;
9 - For I / For me;
10 - Agent / We;
11 - Session / Section / Assignment;
12 - For / To;
13 - Thank you / Thank you;
14 - Do / Do;
15 - To my mind / In my view;
16 - The principle / in principle / in principle;
17 - Otherwise / No;
18 - Where / Where;
19 - Weekend / Weekend;
20 - About / About / ha approximately;
21 - There was / There were;
Do not forget that assessment with 5 stars to help the application: D
If you have any request, please leave your comment.
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