In the Book of Mujarabat it is stated that this Akasyah prayer was originally brought by Angel Gabriel a.s. from arasy. Sayyidina Abu Bakar A-Siddiq r.a said;
"One day I was sitting in front of Rasulullah SAW in the Masjid Al Munawwarah Madinah, suddenly the Angel Gabriel a.s. by bringing Akasyah Prayers then given to the Prophet Muhammad while saying,
"O Messenger of Allah! Truly what I have brought, the Akasyah Prayer since from the Prophet Adam a.s. and other prophets have never been given except to You. "Said the Angel Gabriel again," Verily, I saw this Akasyah Prayer hanging under the Throne for 90,000 years before God created the world and everything in it. "
Fadhilat And Efficacy of Akasyah Prayer:
1) Can memorize the Koran
2) Ease of Sustenance
3) Obtaining Extraordinary Strength
4) Forgiven by Allah SWT All Sin.
5) Receive Reward
6) Elevated Darjat ETC.
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"One day I was sitting in front of Rasulullah SAW in the Masjid Al Munawwarah Madinah, suddenly the Angel Gabriel a.s. by bringing Akasyah Prayers then given to the Prophet Muhammad while saying,
"O Messenger of Allah! Truly what I have brought, the Akasyah Prayer since from the Prophet Adam a.s. and other prophets have never been given except to You. "Said the Angel Gabriel again," Verily, I saw this Akasyah Prayer hanging under the Throne for 90,000 years before God created the world and everything in it. "
Fadhilat And Efficacy of Akasyah Prayer:
1) Can memorize the Koran
2) Ease of Sustenance
3) Obtaining Extraordinary Strength
4) Forgiven by Allah SWT All Sin.
5) Receive Reward
6) Elevated Darjat ETC.
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Hopefully It Can Be Useful, God Willing.
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