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Doa Niat Mandi Hari Raya Idul

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About Doa Niat Mandi Hari Raya Idul

As is known, there are several types of baths which are blessed by the Prophet Muhammad, some of which are bathing before Friday prayers, bathing after bathing the mayor, bathing before Eid al-Fitr and / or Eid al-Adha and many more.

From ‘Ali bin Abi Talib," Someone once asked ‘Ali radhiyallahu‘ anhu regarding bathing. ‘Ali replied," Take a bath every day if you want. "The person said," No. I mean, which bath is recommended? "Ali replied," Bathe on Friday, Arofah, Eid al-Adha and Eid Fithri. "(Narrated by Al Baihaqi 3/278. Syaikh Al Albani said that this hadith sanad is authentic .

From the hadith above, it is very clear that taking a bath before performing a prayer is a sunnah or is recommended by the Prophet, both Eid Al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. And the following in this application contains a complete reading of the prayers / intentions in Arabic, Latin writing and translation.

Download the Application of Prayers Intending to Take a Shower Eid Al-Adha and Eid Al-Fitr is now a Lightweight Size, Can Be Offline or Online.

Hopefully the Prayer Application for Bathing for Eid Al-Adha and Eid Al-Fitr can benefit us all, and if there are any shortcomings, I'm sorry.

Also Equipped With:
=> Reading of Complete Tawasul for Kebatinan Science
=> Prayer Intends to Bathe the Body
=> Prophet Joseph's Prayer For Natural Facial Beauty
=> Heart Attack Prayer
=> Prayers When Sick To Get Healed
=> Tahlil Readings and Prayers
=> Required Bathing Procedures
=> Benefits of Asmaul Husna
=> Prayer Before Related Body Husband and Wife
=> Mustajab Prayers To Quickly Pay Debt
=> Prayers of Prophet Musa AS
=> Prayer For Our Hearts To Be Light
=> Reading Wirid and Dhikr after Prayer Fardhu / Sunna
=> Prayer of the Merchant Trader Sulaiman
=> Prayer (Dhikr) Repentance and Request Forgiveness from Sin
=> Qunut Prayer Fajr Prayer
=> Prayer Please Give Brain Intelligence To Be Smart
=> Prayers in Difficulties in Life to be Eased
=> Prayers for Smooth Speaking in Public
=> Opening Prayer for Sustenance and Wealth
=> Prayer Receives Zakat Al-Fitr
=> Prayer Requests Protection from Danger
And much more ...
Thank you

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