As is known, there are several types of baths which are blessed by the Prophet Muhammad, some of which are bathing before Friday prayers, bathing after bathing the mayor, bathing before Eid al-Fitr and / or Eid al-Adha and many more.
From ‘Ali bin Abi Talib," Someone once asked ‘Ali radhiyallahu‘ anhu regarding bathing. ‘Ali replied," Take a bath every day if you want. "The person said," No. I mean, which bath is recommended? "Ali replied," Bathe on Friday, Arofah, Eid al-Adha and Eid Fithri. "(Narrated by Al Baihaqi 3/278. Syaikh Al Albani said that this hadith sanad is authentic .
From the hadith above, it is very clear that taking a bath before performing a prayer is a sunnah or is recommended by the Prophet, both Eid Al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. And the following in this application contains a complete reading of the prayers / intentions in Arabic, Latin writing and translation.
Download the Application of Prayers Intending to Take a Shower Eid Al-Adha and Eid Al-Fitr is now a Lightweight Size, Can Be Offline or Online.
Hopefully the Prayer Application for Bathing for Eid Al-Adha and Eid Al-Fitr can benefit us all, and if there are any shortcomings, I'm sorry.
Also Equipped With:
=> Reading of Complete Tawasul for Kebatinan Science
=> Prayer Intends to Bathe the Body
=> Prophet Joseph's Prayer For Natural Facial Beauty
=> Heart Attack Prayer
=> Prayers When Sick To Get Healed
=> Tahlil Readings and Prayers
=> Required Bathing Procedures
=> Benefits of Asmaul Husna
=> Prayer Before Related Body Husband and Wife
=> Mustajab Prayers To Quickly Pay Debt
=> Prayers of Prophet Musa AS
=> Prayer For Our Hearts To Be Light
=> Reading Wirid and Dhikr after Prayer Fardhu / Sunna
=> Prayer of the Merchant Trader Sulaiman
=> Prayer (Dhikr) Repentance and Request Forgiveness from Sin
=> Qunut Prayer Fajr Prayer
=> Prayer Please Give Brain Intelligence To Be Smart
=> Prayers in Difficulties in Life to be Eased
=> Prayers for Smooth Speaking in Public
=> Opening Prayer for Sustenance and Wealth
=> Prayer Receives Zakat Al-Fitr
=> Prayer Requests Protection from Danger
And much more ...
Thank you
From ‘Ali bin Abi Talib," Someone once asked ‘Ali radhiyallahu‘ anhu regarding bathing. ‘Ali replied," Take a bath every day if you want. "The person said," No. I mean, which bath is recommended? "Ali replied," Bathe on Friday, Arofah, Eid al-Adha and Eid Fithri. "(Narrated by Al Baihaqi 3/278. Syaikh Al Albani said that this hadith sanad is authentic .
From the hadith above, it is very clear that taking a bath before performing a prayer is a sunnah or is recommended by the Prophet, both Eid Al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. And the following in this application contains a complete reading of the prayers / intentions in Arabic, Latin writing and translation.
Download the Application of Prayers Intending to Take a Shower Eid Al-Adha and Eid Al-Fitr is now a Lightweight Size, Can Be Offline or Online.
Hopefully the Prayer Application for Bathing for Eid Al-Adha and Eid Al-Fitr can benefit us all, and if there are any shortcomings, I'm sorry.
Also Equipped With:
=> Reading of Complete Tawasul for Kebatinan Science
=> Prayer Intends to Bathe the Body
=> Prophet Joseph's Prayer For Natural Facial Beauty
=> Heart Attack Prayer
=> Prayers When Sick To Get Healed
=> Tahlil Readings and Prayers
=> Required Bathing Procedures
=> Benefits of Asmaul Husna
=> Prayer Before Related Body Husband and Wife
=> Mustajab Prayers To Quickly Pay Debt
=> Prayers of Prophet Musa AS
=> Prayer For Our Hearts To Be Light
=> Reading Wirid and Dhikr after Prayer Fardhu / Sunna
=> Prayer of the Merchant Trader Sulaiman
=> Prayer (Dhikr) Repentance and Request Forgiveness from Sin
=> Qunut Prayer Fajr Prayer
=> Prayer Please Give Brain Intelligence To Be Smart
=> Prayers in Difficulties in Life to be Eased
=> Prayers for Smooth Speaking in Public
=> Opening Prayer for Sustenance and Wealth
=> Prayer Receives Zakat Al-Fitr
=> Prayer Requests Protection from Danger
And much more ...
Thank you
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