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Doa Pelebur Dosa

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About Doa Pelebur Dosa

A dirty soul according to Islam is a sinful soul, sometimes we sin accidentally. There are also those who dare to openly blurt out sin. Before being late, immediately repent before dying to pick up or doomsday is near.

Prayers below are read with a heart that is' sincere, khusyu ', tadharru' and full of hope in the presence of God as much as possible after praying fardhu five times, in the morning and in the evening, God willing, our sins will be forgiven by Allah, Narrowness and difficulty will be eliminated, our debts quickly paid off and all forms of our needs will be granted.

Equipped with prayer that you can practice

# Takbiran prayer Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr
# Complete 30 Days Daily Prayer for Ramadan Fasting
# Kamilin's prayer
# Tahlil Arwah and Pilgrimage Prayers
# Prayers and Dhikr PRAYER ISTIKHARAH
# Prayers and Dhikr TASBIH PRAYER
# Qunut Prayers for Arabian Prophets
# Prayer After Adhan and Iqomah
# Prayer After Completion of Ablution
# Prayer After Obligatory Prayer
# Prayers When It Rains Down
# Prayers Enter the Mosque and Exit the Mosque
# Prayer Log Homes And Out House
# Prayer Repentance That Reads Adam And Eve
# 15 Prayers for Pregnant Fast According to Islam
# Do'a Prophet Moses, Ask for Facilitated Affairs and Speeches
# Aka'ah prayer
# Prayers to be Facilitated by All Matters
# Prayers for Calm Hearts Don't Be Restless
# Prayers to Get Your Majesty's Position
# To Work endowed Blessing Prayer
# Prayer For Light Mind
# Prayers of the Mustaj for Stock Life in the World and the Hereafter
# Dzulfaqor's Great Prayer and Benefit
# Prayer Requests Protection from Jin Disorders
# Iftitah prayer
# Prayer of the King of the Throne of the King of All Prayers
# Prayer When the Body Suffers from Pain
# Prayer When Lesson
# Prayers When Dressing And Removing Clothes
# Prayers When Meeting Enemies Complete With Meanings
# Prayers When Losing Goods To Get Back Quickly
# Prayer When Seeing the Ka'bah
# Prayer When Hearing Lightning
# Tahlil Reading and Complete Prayer
# Prayers are free from debt
# In order to avoid the torture and slander of the Dajjal, recite this prayer in the Final Tasyahud
# Prayers Reject Bala
# Prayer for Obedience to Face Trials and Trials from God
# Prayers for New Brides in Islamic Marriage
# Prayers Dispel Genie from the House
# Prayers of the Prophets and Apostles that are enshrined in Al # Quran
# Prayer Prayers Regarding the Implementation of Aqiqah
# Prophet Joseph's Prayer
# Zakat Fitrah Mal Prayer Intentions And Understanding Authorized Receiving
# Speech Speech Yang said When Some People Who Died
# Prayers From Koran
# Prayers to Get Glory on Judgment Day
# Collection of Daily Prayers Conditioning Hearts in Morning, Afternoon, Afternoon and Evening
# Prayers To Always Be Given Health
# Prayer For Both Parents (Mom and Dad) and Their Complete Latin And Terjemahnya
# Prayer For Parents Who Is Loud Pain, Severe # Invoke Healing
# Prayers for Parents Who Have Died Completely
# Islamic Birthday Prayers in Arabic
# Prayers from the Koran for Family & Zuriat Goodness
# Readings of Friday Night Prayers in Islamic Teachings
# Prayer After Friday Prayer & Complete Dhikr

please install the application lighter, can be read offline hopefully useful.

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