The app allows you to easily setup and manage Vigor Routers. From setting up at the very beginning to everyday-use monitoring.
Supported Model and Firmware version:
Vigor2862 Series, 3.9.7
Vigor2926 Series, 3.9.7
Vigor2927 Series, 4.4.0
Vigor2865 Series, 4.4.0
Key features and benefits include:
- Set up Vigor Router from default status to your reliable WFH/SFH companion without the need of LAN cables and PC.
- Utilize the most important Router functions, including WAN, LAN, WLAN, VPN, and Route Policy.
- Get a quick overview of the client usage and network status.
- Customize Parental Control rules to manage Internet access and content filtering with schedule.
* Fiber WAN Model is not supported in this version.
Supported Model and Firmware version:
Vigor2862 Series, 3.9.7
Vigor2926 Series, 3.9.7
Vigor2927 Series, 4.4.0
Vigor2865 Series, 4.4.0
Key features and benefits include:
- Set up Vigor Router from default status to your reliable WFH/SFH companion without the need of LAN cables and PC.
- Utilize the most important Router functions, including WAN, LAN, WLAN, VPN, and Route Policy.
- Get a quick overview of the client usage and network status.
- Customize Parental Control rules to manage Internet access and content filtering with schedule.
* Fiber WAN Model is not supported in this version.
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