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Auto Email Sender Pro

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About Auto Email Sender Pro

Auto Email Sender Pro app is an enormously powerful app with very user friendly interface, designed by DRC INFOTECH. It enables you to send Email automatically to the preferred recipients at a scheduled time via your internet provider (Wi-Fi-mobile).
Have you ever got embarrassed by friends for forgetting their birthdays? Have you ever anticipated for tightening up relations with your clients by sending those Christmas wishes? Now you can do all these with ease using Auto Email Sender.

IMP Note
If login is not successful, even you enter right user name and password or other details then please check your setting of mail server. Please check whether SMTP and IMAP settings are on or not.
We are not storing password of your email anywhere. Every authentication process is being done in encrypted process.
*********** Primary features **********
# you can configured account as many as you want. Application support Gmail, yahoo, Hotmail and your personal SMTP server

# Automatically ON/OFF internet at the time of email sent. (See Setting/Help section)
You do not need to worry to do manually internet ON/OFF when email is sent. It will automatically ON/OFF if it’s OFF based on setting you provide (i.e. Mobile Network and/or Wi-Fi)
# you can set your own signature for each email
# easily pick up all type of contact (To, CC, BCC), attachment with email
# User can attached camera captured icon using camera screen
# User can view list of your scheduled email or reschedule any/ or all of them.
# User can reuse an e-mail which is already sent by this application.
# User can send HTML text like Bold, Italic, Underline, Bullets, Undo, redo, tables, and fore / back ground colors. # User can put headings and horizontal lines in email body
# tracks the delivery status of sent email.
# emails with Seen/Unseen/Favorite status.

# Emails can be mark/unmarked Favorite (starred) status.

# Email can open Email in full screen.
# Attachment is automatically downloaded at SD card/Auto Email directory once you click on view button of each email.
# When internet is ON, all received new emails are automatically downloaded.
# Backup and Restore.
For more information, see Help section in Application.
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