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Dragon Snake Beach & City Atta

Dream Tech Studios
2.6 out of 5
100,000+ downloads

About Dragon Snake Beach & City Atta

Dragon Snake Beach & City Attack Simulator 2020

No other simulation game available online can beat the action and thrill that Dragon Snake Beach & City Attack Simulator 2020 promises. It is a one of its kind that is based on a unique idea. In this game, a huge anaconda type snake is the main character that the player will have to simulate.
As an anaconda snake, you will have to complete different challenges and missions. These missions can be to:
Kill people
Kill animals
Kill farm animals
Destroy objects etc.
Only when you have completed the objective in a level, you will be able to proceed to the next level that will have more action in store for you.
How to Play?
Use the control buttons appearing on the screen to regulate the movement of the tiger snake. There are action buttons available on screen as well that will help the snake to attack people and hunt them.
The Real Challenge
The real challenge in this game is to beat the clock. It is important to keep a tab of time as running out of it will result in the level fail. Furthermore, another challenge is to protect you while attacking the enemies. Hunters, animals, and other human will try and attack snake. Your job will be to protect yourself while hunting them and completing the mission.
All in all, Dragon Snake Beach & City Attack Simulator 2020 has all the features that one looks for in an exceptional game. The quality of graphics is high, sounds are thrilling, while the animations are top-notch. Get it now in your phone or tablet and enjoy this game

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