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Suprabhatham II

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About Suprabhatham II

Suprabhatham II with Lyrics in the voice of MS Subhalaxmi
Part I of Suprabhatham can be found in below link

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About Suprabhatham:(Content taken from wikipedia)
Suprabhātam , literally auspicious dawn is a Sanskrit poem of the Suprabhātakāvya genre. It is a collection of hymns or verses recited early morning to awaken the deity in Hinduism. The metre chosen for a Suprabhātam poem is usually Vasantatilakā.

The most well-known Suprabhātam work is the Veṅkaṭeśasuprabhātam recited at Tirupati to awaken Veṅkaṭeśa. A rendition of the poem by renowned carnatic vocalist M. S. Subbulakshmi is extremely popular which is played daily in many homes and temples of South India.

Few Lines from Lyrics:
(1) KamalA-kucha-chUchuka-kumkumathOn
niyathAruNithaaruna nIlatanO !n
KamalAyacha-lochana !LOkapthE !n
Vijayee bhava ! VenkatasailapathE !nn

(2) sachadhurmukha shaNmukha panchamukhan
pramukAkhila dhaivatha mouLimaNE !n
SaraNAgathavathsala ! SaaranidhE !n
ParipAlaya maam VrushasailapathE !nn

(3) athivElathayA thava dhurvishai-n
ranuvEla kruthair-aparAdha sathai:n
bharitham thvaritham VrushasailapathEn
parayaa krupayaa paripaahi HarE !nn

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