Meethaq Mobile banking icon

Meethaq Mobile banking

Bank Muscat
3.5 out of 5
50,000+ downloads

About Meethaq Mobile banking

Mobile banking (mBanking) is a facility provided to you by Meethaq to help you bank with us anytime, anywhere. The service is available 24/7, 365 days a year. This application provides you the convenience of banking without having to visit our branches or worry about branch timings.

• Bill payment for Mobile, telephone, internet, schools, electricity, water bills, •
Meethaq credit cards and PASI.
• Transfer funds within Meethaq (to own/any), to any other bank account
within and outside Oman.
• Access the balance of all accounts, financings, deposits, and credit cards.
Block card or request for a cheque book.
• Update Email address.
• Request Cheque book.
• Block debit card.
• Enable / Disable International Debit Card.
• Set / Reset E-Pin for Debit and Credit Card.
• Locate the nearest mosque.
• Check qibla direction and prayer timings.
• Make charity contributions to: Zakat, Waqf, and Sadaqah.
• Data exchange encrypt​ed (based on best industry standards).
• Choose from a wide range of gift vouchers from PlayStation, Microsoft
Xbox, Google Play, iTunes and Steam.

Meethaq Mobile banking Screenshots