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Concept of Prakriti in Ayurved

ARCH: Ayurveda Research and Copying House
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About Concept of Prakriti in Ayurved

“Doctor, I wish that my child becomes a doctor or an engineer. But it’s impossible because he is not interested in studies. He doesn’t like studying. He is always interested in listening to music. What will be his future? I don’t understand”. This is the mental condition of parents these days coming to my clinic with their siblings. They are always worried about the future of their siblings.

I think parents must always know about nature, intelligence, psychology, likes dislikes, emotions of their siblings. To understand them in a better way, by their nature, their personality I had made a small attempt at writing this book so as to know everything about personality as explained in our texts of Ayurved.

This book will surely guide you to understand yours and your sibling’s personality based on Ayurved. Thereby you will be able to modify and maintain yours and your sibling’s daily routine, healthy physically and psychologically.

..... Vd. Sunita Devidas Shirsath

‘…….Swasthasya swaasthya rakshanam Aaturasya vikaara prashamanam cha. |’

Charak Samhita. Sutrasthana 30/26

Maintaining the health of healthy individuals and treating the disease is the aim of Ayurved as said by Acharya Charaka. I believe that to maintain the proper health of an individual, it is important to know their temperament i.e., their personality. Personality describes a person physically and psychologically. A person becomes diseased in either way. So by understanding this unique concept of personality we can lead a better, improved and organized life. Hope with this aim, I can make a better understanding among people about Prakriti.

.....Vd. Sanita Anjayya Eppalpalli

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