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Diccionario Español-Arameo

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About Diccionario Español-Arameo

At the same time, Aramaic is spoken in small villages in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran, and in scattered minority communities in the United States, Australia, Israel and Europe. But, in antiquity, Aramaic became a kind of lingua franca or international language used by the empires of Babylon, Persia and Assyria, both for communication in everyday life and for government, commerce, culture and culture. war. This Aramaic, then, occupied a preponderant place in the history of mankind.

In the time of the Lord Jesus, it was the language of daily conversation in Israel, and most scholars agree that the gospel of glory of our Lord was preached by Him in Aramaic. The apostles and first disciples also preached the gospel in this language. So the most beautiful message ever given to humanity was expressed in Aramaic, both by the Lord and by the first disciples.

At present, a renewed interest in the language of Jesus has emerged, and we thank the Lord for the opportunity to present this Brief Spanish-Aramaic Dictionary, as a contribution to the Spanish-speaking people of God and a recognition to all those who Throughout the centuries they endeavored to preserve this language for posterity. Although this dictionary is not exhaustive, it will help to understand some of the words and idioms of the Aramaic Scriptures and to better understand the message it entails for the building up of the body of Christ. We wish you useful and spiritual edification by studying the Scriptures in prayer and going to look for a little more of that word you want to understand.

The Brief Spanish-Aramaic Dictionary presents first the entry in Spanish, followed by its approximate pronunciation in Aramaic, its meanings, definition or description more common.

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