What are the Ecopunts?
The Ecopunts are the way in which the CRiV quantifies the environmental effort carried out by the city as a person responsible for the ecoparcs by separating and depositing the generated residues in the domestic area.
Quants more points accumulate in the seu compte, more options to opt for an economic bonus applied in the taxa de tractament de residus urbans. If you do not have a habitat or premises in ownership, you can always give your points to a family member or friend that they want.
The CRiV poses at its disposal fermentes as this app in order to be able to see and manage the serious points. But, you must donate from the system following the steps described below.
How can I accumulate Ecopunts?
Follow the next passes to start generating points.
Mai he anat to an ecoparc:
Go to one of the ecoparcs of the consortium to deposit your waste.
Indicate your DNI / CIF to the ecoparc staff or use the interactive totem that is found in some ecoparcs.
Accept the conditions of us because the system can create the complete seu.
Declare to the staff of l'ecoparc the residues that you will deposit or register directly in the interactive totem.
Indicate a compte d'email if you want to be able to consult the points from the web.
Congratulations! A vegada finalized the entrance to the ecoparc has the points generated in the seu compte.
The user of the ecoparcs:
If you have fetched the ecoparcs during the year 2020, the your depòsits ja hauran accumulated points in the seu compte.
Remember to provide an email compte in the next week's visit to the ecoparc in order to be able to donate-sign up on the web and consult and manage your points.
What puc fer amb els meus Ecopunts?
In addition to consulting the status of the seu compte, there are several operations that can be carried out with the specific points: assign or distribute among different owners, transfer the points to an altre compte, transfer the points to an alien cadastral reference (habitatge in lloguer), etc.
Vull that the decomptor applies to the taxa of the sole proprietor:
If you have a single owner, you have to check that the cadastral reference appears correctly in the system (If the property is shared by donating, the fiscal unit is linked to the DNI of an other owner. per to link the comptes).
If you have enough points to qualify for a decommissioning, it will be applied automatically on the reboot.
Vull decide to quina taxa de les meues proprietats apply the decompt:
Check that the cadastral references linked to the seu compte appear in the system.
From the Owners menu you can assign the points to one or several cadastral references in the proportion you want.
Vull yield points to an altre compte:
From the Vincles menu, enter who altre DNI / CIF will give away-li els Ecopunts accumulats i futurs.
Indicate from which volume to establish the cessió:
From this moment d'ara in Avant
From the beginning of any (including all the Ecopunts accumulated)
Tinga en compte that els punts a vegada cedits is not able to recover.
Pot deixar de cedir punts in qualsevol moment with the operational mateixa.
Vull yield points to an alien cadastral reference:
If you are in a house or local, I will give the points to the owner because the decommissioning is strictly applied in the cadastral reference that you downloaded, it must be done through the web or the CRiV Ecopunts app.
From the Vincles menu, select Assign and indicate the owner's DNI / CIF and the cadastral reference of l'habitatge llogat.
How can I know who decomposes it?
It is not possible to know the amount of the breakdown (euros) that corresponds to each user from the generation of the rebuts. Accumulate punts in the seu compte and wait for the rebut of the taxa.
The Ecopunts are the way in which the CRiV quantifies the environmental effort carried out by the city as a person responsible for the ecoparcs by separating and depositing the generated residues in the domestic area.
Quants more points accumulate in the seu compte, more options to opt for an economic bonus applied in the taxa de tractament de residus urbans. If you do not have a habitat or premises in ownership, you can always give your points to a family member or friend that they want.
The CRiV poses at its disposal fermentes as this app in order to be able to see and manage the serious points. But, you must donate from the system following the steps described below.
How can I accumulate Ecopunts?
Follow the next passes to start generating points.
Mai he anat to an ecoparc:
Go to one of the ecoparcs of the consortium to deposit your waste.
Indicate your DNI / CIF to the ecoparc staff or use the interactive totem that is found in some ecoparcs.
Accept the conditions of us because the system can create the complete seu.
Declare to the staff of l'ecoparc the residues that you will deposit or register directly in the interactive totem.
Indicate a compte d'email if you want to be able to consult the points from the web.
Congratulations! A vegada finalized the entrance to the ecoparc has the points generated in the seu compte.
The user of the ecoparcs:
If you have fetched the ecoparcs during the year 2020, the your depòsits ja hauran accumulated points in the seu compte.
Remember to provide an email compte in the next week's visit to the ecoparc in order to be able to donate-sign up on the web and consult and manage your points.
What puc fer amb els meus Ecopunts?
In addition to consulting the status of the seu compte, there are several operations that can be carried out with the specific points: assign or distribute among different owners, transfer the points to an altre compte, transfer the points to an alien cadastral reference (habitatge in lloguer), etc.
Vull that the decomptor applies to the taxa of the sole proprietor:
If you have a single owner, you have to check that the cadastral reference appears correctly in the system (If the property is shared by donating, the fiscal unit is linked to the DNI of an other owner. per to link the comptes).
If you have enough points to qualify for a decommissioning, it will be applied automatically on the reboot.
Vull decide to quina taxa de les meues proprietats apply the decompt:
Check that the cadastral references linked to the seu compte appear in the system.
From the Owners menu you can assign the points to one or several cadastral references in the proportion you want.
Vull yield points to an altre compte:
From the Vincles menu, enter who altre DNI / CIF will give away-li els Ecopunts accumulats i futurs.
Indicate from which volume to establish the cessió:
From this moment d'ara in Avant
From the beginning of any (including all the Ecopunts accumulated)
Tinga en compte that els punts a vegada cedits is not able to recover.
Pot deixar de cedir punts in qualsevol moment with the operational mateixa.
Vull yield points to an alien cadastral reference:
If you are in a house or local, I will give the points to the owner because the decommissioning is strictly applied in the cadastral reference that you downloaded, it must be done through the web or the CRiV Ecopunts app.
From the Vincles menu, select Assign and indicate the owner's DNI / CIF and the cadastral reference of l'habitatge llogat.
How can I know who decomposes it?
It is not possible to know the amount of the breakdown (euros) that corresponds to each user from the generation of the rebuts. Accumulate punts in the seu compte and wait for the rebut of the taxa.
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