This application is a DEMO version, including 3 animations and 2 educational games. To view all the content, you can buy the full version at the price of 17 lei.
If you have purchased the "London Adventures - part 1" magazine, enter the access code on the inside cover to get the full version for FREE.
Three friends, George, Anna and Erica, together with their cute pets (dog Max and cat Lily), go on a beautiful trip to London. On this occasion, the main notions of the English language provided in the school curriculum are explained.
The application includes 37 animations and 24 edu-fun games. It is addressed to third grade students (9-10 years old).
If you have purchased the "London Adventures - part 1" magazine, enter the access code on the inside cover to get the full version for FREE.
Three friends, George, Anna and Erica, together with their cute pets (dog Max and cat Lily), go on a beautiful trip to London. On this occasion, the main notions of the English language provided in the school curriculum are explained.
The application includes 37 animations and 24 edu-fun games. It is addressed to third grade students (9-10 years old).
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