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Invigilate® Assessment & Testing Solutions .
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About Invigilate

Invigilate is a technology-driven assessment certification company, Designed with a mission to address corporate, Education Institutions, Government & PSU's. Invigilate is working with various awarding bodies, corporate sector skills councils, Universities & State & Central Govt Bodies in assessment, employability testing & recruitment solutions provider.

With the rising demand for industry-linked training and skill assessment services, INVIGILATE focuses on helping government skilling bodies evaluate and analyse students' skills through a series of assessments. In the other roadmap, we look forward to supporting hiring assessments for corporate and online assessments of schools, coaching and training centers.

Invigilate® is associated with various government agencies, universities, corporate and educational organizations as an assessment body. At present, we are engaged with multiple sector skill councils and ministries to assess their candidates. We have carried assessments across India and have assessed various projects in our capacity as an assessment agency, projects like PMKVY, RPL, ASAP Kerala, CSR, DDU-GKY, NULM, DGET, B VOC, state mission and other corporate Assessments, etc.

Now we can conduct the online assessments with remote proctoring and we have also improved our Online assessment monitoring mechanism by adding the below given features.

1. Auto proctoring of candidate's activity during the assessments capturing of photos and or videos of the candidate with date, time and Geotag throughout the test intermittently at set time intervals
2. Video recording enabled for entire duration of the assessment for both Viva and Theory
3. Multiple faces detection and issue warnings
4. Face recognition to determine identity
5. Geotagging
6. Remote proctoring through live streaming of the training centre where assessment is held along with candidate's activities
7. Operate on Computers, Smartphone’s and tabs
8. Detection of objects in the vicinity of the candidate and flagging it to the candidate and remote proctor
9. Issue warnings and facility to terminate the assessment based on non-compliances to auto proctoring guidelines (Multiple face, face out of camera range , the other compliances as and when they get added)
10. Remotely proctoring and alarming the candidate if he / she is not following the assessment guidelines or SOPs
11. Storage and retrieval of all the audit trails of the assessments such as – assessment evidences, videos/photos of candidates, question & answer sheets. SSC to be provided with access through a dashboard from where the download and viewing must be possible
12. Flagging of non-compliant candidates / suspicious candidates in the record and auto alert to SSC on such incidents. The SSC can further examine them on the logs.
13. Ability to conduct Online (with internet) and offline (without internet)
14. Video-based VIVA-VOCE assessment, which can be done remotely

For sanitizing the candidate's system/ computers at the Training location to avoid cases of malpractice. We have added an exceptional security architecture that detects and ends the test for the examinees that switch the test window and open multiple tabs in the browser. Some key features of our Browser are :

1. Locked-down browser
2. Disables screen recording
3. Disables screen-sharing
4. Disables screen projection
5. Disables access to any other tool
6. Disables access to Google or any other site
7. Disables Cut/Copy-Paste

We are one of the Grand winning Startups from Kerala, under KSUM and startup India. Consider us as one of the unique startup companies from Kerala into assessment and certification.

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