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Olympiad Preparation Platform, UTBK/SNBT, Independent Exams, Check out UI S1, Masters, Postgraduate & Doctoral Masters & Doctoral, CPNS, TNI, POLRI & Service School #1 in Indonesia which has helped all future friends in facing the entrance examination every year and achieve the goals you dream of future friends.

Make sure you have the ability to prepare for exams & make your future friends' dreams come true at Eduthama. Future friends can study optimally, increase your potential, interest & talent to conquer exam questions from anywhere, anytime & the discussion of exam questions is right on target #1 at Eduthama.

Eduthama's effective learning features:

- Summary of MATERIALS Easy to Understand
This summary of material focuses on the needs of interests & talents for all future friends and is supported by a learning system that is very relevant & in easy-to-understand language in accordance with the majors that future friends dream of.

- TRY OUT Online Right on Target
Ensure your future friends' chances of being able to pass the entrance screening test with the most accurate HOTS practice questions at Try Out Eduthama accompanied by features that are easy to use & at Try Out Eduthama make future friends more prepared to dare & conquer each stage of the exam.

- Online TRY OUT Ability Test
Ability Test Feature !! Future friends of Eduthama can try the test & ability now at Eduthama & measure the value of the ability of future friends with the score assessment feature on the results of the test & ability.

- Accurate TRY OUT discussion
Try Out is equipped with an accurate discussion of each question that has gone through a screening process by practitioners according to their respective fields of knowledge, therefore it can make it easier for future friends & trained in answering variations of the questions that will be tested during an upcoming or ongoing test.

- Passing Grade value
Future friends are required to be able to complete exam questions through Try Out with a time limit & pass grade value that is in accordance with the standardization of the original exam, aiming to train future friends endurance to be faster, focused & accurate in solving exam questions later and trigger future friends to be more enthusiastic in answering exam questions.

- Eduthama Support System
Future friends will be guided by experienced practitioners or seniors at Eduthama in preparation for every exam as well as in learning & answering questions.

- Potential, Interests & Talents
Achieve & realize the wishes of your future friends' choices from an early age by consistently working with Eduthama according to the potential, interests & talents that your future friends have so that you will be more motivated & courageous in facing the stages of the exam.

- Alumni Motivation
Intake of motivation is an obligation before starting learning until facing exams, aims to keep future friends focused on the desires & dreams that are dreamed of, Partners of future friends in realizing their dreams.

- Discussion Group
Focus on studying intensively through discussion of material & discussing exam questions with practitioners & study buddies throughout Indonesia to be more courageous in facing exam challenges.


Eduthama is an online learning application produced by a combination of experienced practitioners in Indonesia who created PT Eduthama Brain Consulting.

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