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Govt. Sanskrit College

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About Govt. Sanskrit College

Govt. Sanskrit College is a mobile app to manage all day to day operations for a school.
Admin Dashboard
After logged In into system dashboard page will appear from where you can get access or link of each page like Student manager, Staff manager, Transport manager, Master setting, Leave manager, Fees, Library manager, MIS report, Gallery, Lost & Found items, Hostel etc.
In dahboard can see total staff presence, student presence, Staff ratio, Student ratio. Also some short quick links is there to access all pages in dashboard. We make it user friendly to access all modules from dashboard page.
Leave manager
This module used to handle leave. Admin can approve and reject leave request.
In Fee collection module, admin can effortlessly manage student Fee Collection and maintain fees related data. Admin can view student wise total fee collected in selected date range.
Library manager
This module is very easy to use and effective. With this module, subscribers can easily check the availability of books, journals, DVD’s, magazines in the library.
MIS report
MIS module maintain complete attendance of student. Admin have authority to take class and transport attendance of student.
This is the student gallery. All events images admin can upload from this module.
Lost & Found
This module is very helpful for students. If things like documents, books, glasses, Jewellery etc. are missing of any student then this module help to find.
This module allows to manage all the school hostels efficiently. Admin manage different students, guests and teachers in different hostels and allocate different rooms to different students.
Parent Module
The objective of parent module is to improve the communication between students and their parents or guardians, also, parents or guardians can increase their involvement in their child education.
Child List
This module is very useful for parents. From this module parent can view own all child monthly attendance, syllabus, Homework details ,Class Routine,,Circular etc.
School Gallery
School Gallery module have all images of students. Parent can view all school students
Examination Schedule
Parent can get information of own all child examination dates.
Leave Application
Parent can apply own child leave from this module.
Transport Details
Child transport details are maintain in this module. Parent easily view from here.
Notice Board
The school easily post all types of message on the notice board and parent can view these messages from Notice board module.
Holiday List
All holiday details parent can view from this module.
Teacher Dashboard:
Teacher credential login,dashboard page with different modules like
student list,view student result,Attendence,E-Diary,leave manager,notice board,holidays and student health card opens with their different functionality.
Student List:
Through this module teacher can see all students of their school including to its own class and access their mark sheet and health details.
View Student Result:
Through this module teachers can check result of a particular student of his own class.
In this module a teacher can manage his class daily attendance and also can check their attendance on regular basis.
E-Diary is the combination of different sub-modules and very easy to use. A teacher can easily manage a student's homework details, examination schedule and manage their
marks accordingly and also can check his class routine.
Leave manager:
This module is very effective to use and can perform all leave management activities.Through this module,a teacher can check his/her as well as student's leave status properly.
Notice Board:
From this, teacher can see all relevant information related to schools/colleges.
Holiday List:
Through this module teacher can check all upcoming events from date-wise.
View student Health Card:
All health details of his own class student can be seen by the teacher with detailed information.

Govt. Sanskrit College Screenshots

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