Honen Aplikazio Bidez EUSKALTERM Banku Publikoa Terminology (www.euskara.euskadi.net/euskalterm) kontsulta daiteke. Bankuan Euskararen Aholku Batzordeko Terminology Batzordeak onartu eta gomendatzen duen berezitua dago txertatuta terminology. 4 ponderazio eta Eu marka marka dira daramaten terminoak Batzordeak gomendatzen dituenak; 3 marka daramatenak Batzordeak onartu ditu baina ez ditu lehenetsi. Kontuan izan behar da end bilatzeko bat orduan erabileremua zehaztu daitekeela ere. Adibidez 'resource' bilatuz gero, 119 aurkituko ditu term. Beraz, komeni gives zehaztea 'Informatika', 'Zuzenbidea', 'Ingurumena' edo beste bat eremuren interesatzen zaigun.
With this application we can make queries EUSKALTERM specialized terminology, the Public Bank Terminology (www.euskara.euskadi.net/euskalterm). In the terminology Bank approved and recommended by the Committee on Terminology of the Advisory Council is composed Euskera. The terms recommended by the Commission are marked 4 plus the symbol Eu; terms are marked 3 are also terms accepted by the Commission but are not priority. Keep in mind that when you do a search, you can specify the scope of use. For example, if you search for 'resource' and not sum the field, the result of 119 terms we appear, so it is recommended to specify the area in which we are interested in the term 'Computer', 'law', 'Environment' or someone else.
With this application we can make queries EUSKALTERM specialized terminology, the Public Bank Terminology (www.euskara.euskadi.net/euskalterm). In the terminology Bank approved and recommended by the Committee on Terminology of the Advisory Council is composed Euskera. The terms recommended by the Commission are marked 4 plus the symbol Eu; terms are marked 3 are also terms accepted by the Commission but are not priority. Keep in mind that when you do a search, you can specify the scope of use. For example, if you search for 'resource' and not sum the field, the result of 119 terms we appear, so it is recommended to specify the area in which we are interested in the term 'Computer', 'law', 'Environment' or someone else.
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