Application features:
- Prayer times (without the call to prayer) and you can set them according to the city
Calculate your age in Hijri and Gregorian dates
- Calculating the age in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years and knowing the second date (Gregorian or Hijri)
- Information about today's Gregorian date and Hijri date
- Knowing your birthday, solar and Chinese signs
Calculate the wasted times of your life
Knowing the difference between two dates
- Conversion from Hijri to Gregorian
Conversion from Gregorian to Hijri
- Add special events
- Reminders of all events that have been added by you
Knowing and remembering the United Nations International Day
- Prayer times (without the call to prayer) and you can set them according to the city
Calculate your age in Hijri and Gregorian dates
- Calculating the age in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years and knowing the second date (Gregorian or Hijri)
- Information about today's Gregorian date and Hijri date
- Knowing your birthday, solar and Chinese signs
Calculate the wasted times of your life
Knowing the difference between two dates
- Conversion from Hijri to Gregorian
Conversion from Gregorian to Hijri
- Add special events
- Reminders of all events that have been added by you
Knowing and remembering the United Nations International Day
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