Manual Attendance collection is a tiresome job that is prone to errors. The Driver Console from Employee Transport Management is a simple vehicle tracking app that helps you in this regard. It's simple and easy to use.
Most vehicle tracking solutions require pre-installed hardware in a vehicle for the tracking function to work. But here, all functions including tracking, attendance and many other features are handled easily with a single android application.
Our driver console app helps you to experience hassle-free student attendance collection and quick application setup instead of going through heavy wiring and configuration to track hardware. The DriverConsole app consists of almost all the features of our Attendant app.
The driver can help verify attendance which syncs simultaneously with Attendant App/Vehicle Tracking Hardware. The whole process becomes more organised and scheduled to the minutest detail.
Further facilities include:
You can run a scheduled or an instant trip easily. Drivers do not have to memorize routes, pickup point, students from each point, etc. The tracking system will supply all the data.
Drivers can instantly find the next destination along with the contact details,address and picture of the child
New pickup points can be built and assigned
Pick up points can be updated in case of relocation
Once a trip is confirmed, it is added to the trip history
Driver gets directions for the whole trip and can see the pickup-point location priority in maps.
The application will provide navigation facility along with scheduled route and it will guide drivers for deviations with sound alerts.
Employee boarded and unboarded will be noted
Pick up and drop details of employees appears on the screen
Employee who are on leave will be updated
Automatic announcement of next pick up point makes children ready
Once a employee boards, name and welcome message is announced
CCTV is accessible for drivers
Any instruction or message from company authority can be sent to the system
Driver can play any announcements from company
Audio played in the bus can be controlled by company authority
Driver can provide instructions to kids by enabling mic in application and sound will be played back through the vehicle speakers
Notifications regarding pickup-point location update,employees who are on leave etc will be provided
Communication is possible through chat facility
Speed limit can be pre-set by the transport manager. An automatic alert appears when driver exceeds the set speed limit which lasts for five seconds. Until driver reduces the speed, application not allows to do any action
The trip will show up as incomplete until every student in the attendance list has unboarded
The Driver Console application announces birthday wishes of employees with birthdays while he/she boards the bus
Drivers cannot modify configurations. The Transport manager needs to do a one-time configuration for setting up the application
Most vehicle tracking solutions require pre-installed hardware in a vehicle for the tracking function to work. But here, all functions including tracking, attendance and many other features are handled easily with a single android application.
Our driver console app helps you to experience hassle-free student attendance collection and quick application setup instead of going through heavy wiring and configuration to track hardware. The DriverConsole app consists of almost all the features of our Attendant app.
The driver can help verify attendance which syncs simultaneously with Attendant App/Vehicle Tracking Hardware. The whole process becomes more organised and scheduled to the minutest detail.
Further facilities include:
You can run a scheduled or an instant trip easily. Drivers do not have to memorize routes, pickup point, students from each point, etc. The tracking system will supply all the data.
Drivers can instantly find the next destination along with the contact details,address and picture of the child
New pickup points can be built and assigned
Pick up points can be updated in case of relocation
Once a trip is confirmed, it is added to the trip history
Driver gets directions for the whole trip and can see the pickup-point location priority in maps.
The application will provide navigation facility along with scheduled route and it will guide drivers for deviations with sound alerts.
Employee boarded and unboarded will be noted
Pick up and drop details of employees appears on the screen
Employee who are on leave will be updated
Automatic announcement of next pick up point makes children ready
Once a employee boards, name and welcome message is announced
CCTV is accessible for drivers
Any instruction or message from company authority can be sent to the system
Driver can play any announcements from company
Audio played in the bus can be controlled by company authority
Driver can provide instructions to kids by enabling mic in application and sound will be played back through the vehicle speakers
Notifications regarding pickup-point location update,employees who are on leave etc will be provided
Communication is possible through chat facility
Speed limit can be pre-set by the transport manager. An automatic alert appears when driver exceeds the set speed limit which lasts for five seconds. Until driver reduces the speed, application not allows to do any action
The trip will show up as incomplete until every student in the attendance list has unboarded
The Driver Console application announces birthday wishes of employees with birthdays while he/she boards the bus
Drivers cannot modify configurations. The Transport manager needs to do a one-time configuration for setting up the application
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