Investor Relation is an App to have the financial information of Enel group, always available.
It is possible to quickly keep up to date on all the main financial information of the Group: how the stocks are faring (current and historic), shareholdings, dividends, the financial calendar, strategy, price-sensitive press releases, company documents such as balance sheets and annual and quarterly presentations. It even includes an interactive tool that sends push notifications about press releases and events on the investor meetings calendar.
By a new revolutionized design we ensure the best user experience and make information even more accessible.
With Enel Investors Relations App you are sure not to miss anything!
It is possible to quickly keep up to date on all the main financial information of the Group: how the stocks are faring (current and historic), shareholdings, dividends, the financial calendar, strategy, price-sensitive press releases, company documents such as balance sheets and annual and quarterly presentations. It even includes an interactive tool that sends push notifications about press releases and events on the investor meetings calendar.
By a new revolutionized design we ensure the best user experience and make information even more accessible.
With Enel Investors Relations App you are sure not to miss anything!
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