Herb encyclopedia service
It is an app service that allows you to check the efficacy and folk remedies of medicinal plants around us.
- Provides basic information such as herbal search and form, name, etc.
- Check efficacy of each herb and information on folk remedies
- Search for medicinal herbs and provide useful news for health
- Manage your own herbal list and provide a storage box
- Herbal efficacy information sharing function
Although it is a herb that can be easily obtained in the surrounding area, people who do not know the information and have not been able to use it
We want to help you take care of the health of your family and friends while using our app service.
As well as managing herbs by efficacy with the My List making function!
If you store the necessary herbal information for your family and family by creating a folder, you can access it whenever you need it.
You can easily check without having to search by herb.
This data is using and utilizing API for farming by Rural Development Administration with permission to use public API.
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