Official application of the Christian television channel EMCI TV (EnseigneMoi Canal International) and the website, to bring the message of the Gospel with teachings and messages for all.
✔ Watch the channel live (streaming) or our various broadcasts in replay (replay); among these, find for example "Inspirational prayers" by Jérémy Sourdril, "Word of women", "Bonjour Chez vous" with his thought of the day, "Face à face" with Yannis Gautier, "Badaboum" with Marcel Kouamenan, " Heroes of Faith" with Frank Poulin... Also be edified by the teachings of Joyce Meyer, Yvan Castanou (ICC), Dorothée Rajiah (PCC) and others;
✔ Read and listen to the audio Bible;
✔ ... And many other things to build your faith in Jesus Christ!
✔ Watch the channel live (streaming) or our various broadcasts in replay (replay); among these, find for example "Inspirational prayers" by Jérémy Sourdril, "Word of women", "Bonjour Chez vous" with his thought of the day, "Face à face" with Yannis Gautier, "Badaboum" with Marcel Kouamenan, " Heroes of Faith" with Frank Poulin... Also be edified by the teachings of Joyce Meyer, Yvan Castanou (ICC), Dorothée Rajiah (PCC) and others;
✔ Read and listen to the audio Bible;
✔ ... And many other things to build your faith in Jesus Christ!
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