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iSave Vouch365

Entertainer Asia Pvt Ltd
1,000+ downloads

About iSave Vouch365

Unveil 1000’s of Buy One Get One Free offer(s) in one app!

On the off chance that you are a noteworthy foodie, an extraordinary shopaholic, or a traveling freak searching for great value for money, then iSave Vouch365 is the perfect App for you!

iSave Vouch365 is an application that enables you to avail Buy One Get One Free Offers from the top-notch cafes, restaurants, beauty salons, leisure activities, health and fitness centers of Karachi. To make it even better our offers are always Buy One Get One Free, valid 7 days a week (excluding public holidays) and all year long! Having the validity of an entire year, it is guaranteed to give you massive savings of up to RS 40 LACS.

With over 400+ prestigious brands and over 1400 vouchers, iSave Vouch365 is a MUST HAVE! Just hit the download button and start Vouching!

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