This is a legacy app, which should still work but is no longer supported or developed as of 2015.
Pocket Beach lets you sit back and watch and listen to the beaches of Cape Cod and surrounding areas. All the integrated media is set to loop. The idea is that you will pick a beach to visit, set it up on your desk and enjoy a visit to the beach. All recordings are original works, personally recorded and edited by Erika Sanborne and friends, and tagged by location of the beaches. These are not stock footage.
-- Beaches On Deck - already in-app, requiring no data to visit
-- Online Beaches - stream, requiring data connection to view. (I stuffed as many as I could inside the app.)
-- Onboard Music - integrated media player with a background track in-app.
Pocket Beach was made as a gift to Rachael Keefe, because she moved from New England on to other shores, to do new things. Created by Erika Sanborne, a U.S. Coast Guard veteran who also loves the ocean. The app is shared as a companion for anyone who wants to virtually visit some beaches.
release date:
15 July 2015
Erika Sanborne
Thanks for being a part of this special project.
Did you see them?
Find the beach where the video shows a family of seals in it!
Pocket Beach lets you sit back and watch and listen to the beaches of Cape Cod and surrounding areas. All the integrated media is set to loop. The idea is that you will pick a beach to visit, set it up on your desk and enjoy a visit to the beach. All recordings are original works, personally recorded and edited by Erika Sanborne and friends, and tagged by location of the beaches. These are not stock footage.
-- Beaches On Deck - already in-app, requiring no data to visit
-- Online Beaches - stream, requiring data connection to view. (I stuffed as many as I could inside the app.)
-- Onboard Music - integrated media player with a background track in-app.
Pocket Beach was made as a gift to Rachael Keefe, because she moved from New England on to other shores, to do new things. Created by Erika Sanborne, a U.S. Coast Guard veteran who also loves the ocean. The app is shared as a companion for anyone who wants to virtually visit some beaches.
release date:
15 July 2015
Erika Sanborne
Thanks for being a part of this special project.
Did you see them?
Find the beach where the video shows a family of seals in it!
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