The GlobeARound Augmented Reality application for Earth was developed for you to navigate the Tecnodidattica globe using your smartphone, and thus discover interactive and multimedia content related to the geography of our planet.
By focusing your device's camera on the sphere of the globe, it will be possible to view animals, plants and important geographic locations in 3D.
With a simple tap you can interactively choose, view, rotate and enlarge individual elements, hear sounds, descriptions, view images and read datasheets.
The app contains:
-88 3D plant and animal models,
-10 3D dinosaur models,
-36 models of buildings and important geographic locations in 3D,
-134 descriptive text cards,
-134 audio clips with details and interesting facts.
Interactive content can be accessed not only in augmented reality mode, but also through a simple 3D interface, just with the touch of a finger.
How to use:
-Download the GlobeAR app using the QR code or from the online store.
In AR mode:
-Focus the camera on the globe and select the continent you want to study,
-Select the type of content (animals, plants, buildings and locations),
-Tap to download the 3D model,
-Visualize the content in Augmented Reality on the globe,
-Tap an element to interactively view and read or hear details and facts.
In 3D mode:
-Using the 3D interface select the continent you want to study,
-Proceed as in AR mode.
All content in the application was originally developed by Tecnodidattica: there are no links that lead to other sites or advertising.
GlobeARound is part of a series of Augmented Reality applications aimed at learning about planet Earth and about Astronomy together with several other globes from Tecnodidattica, Terra, Constelações and Parlamondo.
By focusing your device's camera on the sphere of the globe, it will be possible to view animals, plants and important geographic locations in 3D.
With a simple tap you can interactively choose, view, rotate and enlarge individual elements, hear sounds, descriptions, view images and read datasheets.
The app contains:
-88 3D plant and animal models,
-10 3D dinosaur models,
-36 models of buildings and important geographic locations in 3D,
-134 descriptive text cards,
-134 audio clips with details and interesting facts.
Interactive content can be accessed not only in augmented reality mode, but also through a simple 3D interface, just with the touch of a finger.
How to use:
-Download the GlobeAR app using the QR code or from the online store.
In AR mode:
-Focus the camera on the globe and select the continent you want to study,
-Select the type of content (animals, plants, buildings and locations),
-Tap to download the 3D model,
-Visualize the content in Augmented Reality on the globe,
-Tap an element to interactively view and read or hear details and facts.
In 3D mode:
-Using the 3D interface select the continent you want to study,
-Proceed as in AR mode.
All content in the application was originally developed by Tecnodidattica: there are no links that lead to other sites or advertising.
GlobeARound is part of a series of Augmented Reality applications aimed at learning about planet Earth and about Astronomy together with several other globes from Tecnodidattica, Terra, Constelações and Parlamondo.
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