We present the "Evrâd-ı Şerîfe-i Fârûkiyye" prepared by the Great Scholar and Supreme Abdullah Fârûkî al-Müceddidi Hz.
In this work, Abdullah Fârûkî al-Müceddidî Hazretleri, besides his own salvation:
The time of Yâsîn, the beautiful names of Allah Almighty and our Prophet (pbuh), Hz. Ali, Hz. Veysel Karânî,
Hz. Abdulkâdir Geylânî, Hz. Imam-i A'zam, Hz. Muhammed Hazîn el-Fersâfî and Hz. He compiled a bunch of roses from the rose garden by compiling the prayers and various prayer beads of some prophets besides the evidences of Hızır (as).
This application contains the book "Evrâd-ı Şerîfe-i Fârûkiyye" written by
the great scholar (savant) Abdullah Fârûkî al-Müceddidi.
Beside Abdullah Fârûkî el-Müceddidi's own salavat, you'll also find other evrads like the evrad from: Hz. Ali, the Prophet. Veysel Karânî, Hz. Abdulkâdir Geylânî, Hz. Imam-i A'zam, Hz. Muhammed Hazîn al-Fersâfî
and from Hz. Khidr (as). This application also contains: The Surah Yasin, the wonderful names of Allah (c.c.) and the beautiful ones of prophet Muhammed (s.a.v.).
In addition to that, we share with you duas of some prophets and different tesbihats.
Fâtihâ Sûresi, Yâsîn Sûresi, Âyetü'l-Kürsî, Bakara Sûesi 285 and 286. Âyet-i Kerîmeler,
-L-i İmrân Sûra, 18 and 19. Âyet-i Kerîmeler, Âl-i İmrân S ,ra, 26 and 27. Âyet-i Kerîmeler, İhlâs S ,resi, Sâhû Sûresi, Sâs Sûresi, Sûûr Sûresi, 22-24. Âyet-i Kerîmeler, The Surah of Ahzâb, Verse 56, and the names of Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdâdî (rh.) Salavâtı, Esmâ-i Hüsnâ, Rasûlullah (saas), Sultan Abdulkâdir Geylânî's (rh.) Virdi, The Head of Lovers Veysel Karânî's (rh.) Virdi, Sultan Abdullah Fârûkî al-Müceddidî's (rh.) Salavat, Imam Ali Efendi's (ra) Virdi, Sultan Abdulkâdir Geylani's (rh.) Salavâti, Muhammed Hazîn Fersâfî (rh. ) Salavâtı, "Deniz Virdi (Hizbü'l-Bahr)" of Abu Hasan Şâzelî (rh.), Rosary of Hazrat Imam (as), Virdi, "Yâ Cemîlü Yâ Allah (cc) "Prayer," Allâhümme Yâ Allah (cc) "Prayer, Prayers of Adam (pbuh), Prophets (pbuh) Prayer (pbuh), Ismail (pbuh), Noah (pbuh), Abraham (pbuh), Ismail (pbuh) as), İshâk (as),
Eyyûb (a.s.), Yûnus (a.s.), Yûsuf (a.s.), (sa (a.s.), Our Lord Muhammad (s.a.v.) 's Prayer, Tercümân-ı İsm-i A'zam Prayer
In this work, Abdullah Fârûkî al-Müceddidî Hazretleri, besides his own salvation:
The time of Yâsîn, the beautiful names of Allah Almighty and our Prophet (pbuh), Hz. Ali, Hz. Veysel Karânî,
Hz. Abdulkâdir Geylânî, Hz. Imam-i A'zam, Hz. Muhammed Hazîn el-Fersâfî and Hz. He compiled a bunch of roses from the rose garden by compiling the prayers and various prayer beads of some prophets besides the evidences of Hızır (as).
This application contains the book "Evrâd-ı Şerîfe-i Fârûkiyye" written by
the great scholar (savant) Abdullah Fârûkî al-Müceddidi.
Beside Abdullah Fârûkî el-Müceddidi's own salavat, you'll also find other evrads like the evrad from: Hz. Ali, the Prophet. Veysel Karânî, Hz. Abdulkâdir Geylânî, Hz. Imam-i A'zam, Hz. Muhammed Hazîn al-Fersâfî
and from Hz. Khidr (as). This application also contains: The Surah Yasin, the wonderful names of Allah (c.c.) and the beautiful ones of prophet Muhammed (s.a.v.).
In addition to that, we share with you duas of some prophets and different tesbihats.
Fâtihâ Sûresi, Yâsîn Sûresi, Âyetü'l-Kürsî, Bakara Sûesi 285 and 286. Âyet-i Kerîmeler,
-L-i İmrân Sûra, 18 and 19. Âyet-i Kerîmeler, Âl-i İmrân S ,ra, 26 and 27. Âyet-i Kerîmeler, İhlâs S ,resi, Sâhû Sûresi, Sâs Sûresi, Sûûr Sûresi, 22-24. Âyet-i Kerîmeler, The Surah of Ahzâb, Verse 56, and the names of Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdâdî (rh.) Salavâtı, Esmâ-i Hüsnâ, Rasûlullah (saas), Sultan Abdulkâdir Geylânî's (rh.) Virdi, The Head of Lovers Veysel Karânî's (rh.) Virdi, Sultan Abdullah Fârûkî al-Müceddidî's (rh.) Salavat, Imam Ali Efendi's (ra) Virdi, Sultan Abdulkâdir Geylani's (rh.) Salavâti, Muhammed Hazîn Fersâfî (rh. ) Salavâtı, "Deniz Virdi (Hizbü'l-Bahr)" of Abu Hasan Şâzelî (rh.), Rosary of Hazrat Imam (as), Virdi, "Yâ Cemîlü Yâ Allah (cc) "Prayer," Allâhümme Yâ Allah (cc) "Prayer, Prayers of Adam (pbuh), Prophets (pbuh) Prayer (pbuh), Ismail (pbuh), Noah (pbuh), Abraham (pbuh), Ismail (pbuh) as), İshâk (as),
Eyyûb (a.s.), Yûnus (a.s.), Yûsuf (a.s.), (sa (a.s.), Our Lord Muhammad (s.a.v.) 's Prayer, Tercümân-ı İsm-i A'zam Prayer
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