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Fancy Sitters

Durisimo App Store
50+ downloads

About Fancy Sitters

Hire a Fancy Sitter Care Giver, when and where you need them.

Finding the right care comes from making the right connections. Word of mouth searches only takes you so far.
At Fancy Sitter, you’ll have access to our large network of caregivers right in your local area.
Join our community and find the right match for all your child care, senior care,
housekeeping, or tutoring needs.

No matter the occasion; special event, date night, recurring, full-time or part-time, find the care that suits your needs.
• Share your needs by creating a job post
• Search and view caregiver profiles, photos, and reviews
• Get instant alerts when interested caregivers respond
• Manage bookings, interviews, and payments-all in one place
• Make fast and easy payments through the app

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