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Smart Charging Max Battery

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About Smart Charging Max Battery

Smart Charger - Smart Charging 2023 The app has a smart charging animation that shows a cool animation while your phone is charging which makes the charging process more enjoyable. You can also set up battery sound notifications that notify you with a sound when your phone is fully charged or when it reaches a certain battery level
charging progress, can alert you when the battery is fully charged or charged to a certain level you set. The smart charging app shows you real-time battery information such as temperature, voltage, capacity, battery status.
Main Features :
* Device information.
* Charger disconnect alerts
* Remaining charging time.
* Battery monitor information.
* Processor monitor information.
* Remaining usage time.
* Battery Usage - Charging History.
Help you check all battery information
app for anyone looking to monitor and manage their smartphone battery usage and charging process. Download it today and take control of your phone's battery!
The smart charging app shows you real-time battery information such as temperature, voltage, capacity, battery status

Smart Charging Max Battery Screenshots