Internet shop Paolli | Shoes and accessories are:
- A wide range of.
The catalog contains a wide range of shoes and accessories more than 3000 items.
- Easy navigation.
Find a product by article or name.
- Free shipping from stock.
If the product is not in stock in the store, then it can be ordered from the warehouse, within 1-4 days the product will arrive at the store and can be picked up.
- Discounts and promotions.
We love to please you, so we are constantly coming up with new promotions to make your purchases more profitable.
- We return 10% bonuses.
Accumulate bonus points for purchases made in the "Paolli" store
(1 bonus = 1 ruble) and use them to pay for subsequent purchases.
- Direct communication.
We are always in touch, leave your review about the product or tell us how we can improve, and you can also communicate directly with the seller via chat, we will be happy to answer all your questions.
- Convenient payment by card, SberPay and SBP.
Divide the purchase amount into several payments with the new payment tool "Instalments".
- Register in the app, get 300 welcome bonuses and immediately start accumulating points that can be spent on shopping and make your purchases even more profitable!
- A wide range of.
The catalog contains a wide range of shoes and accessories more than 3000 items.
- Easy navigation.
Find a product by article or name.
- Free shipping from stock.
If the product is not in stock in the store, then it can be ordered from the warehouse, within 1-4 days the product will arrive at the store and can be picked up.
- Discounts and promotions.
We love to please you, so we are constantly coming up with new promotions to make your purchases more profitable.
- We return 10% bonuses.
Accumulate bonus points for purchases made in the "Paolli" store
(1 bonus = 1 ruble) and use them to pay for subsequent purchases.
- Direct communication.
We are always in touch, leave your review about the product or tell us how we can improve, and you can also communicate directly with the seller via chat, we will be happy to answer all your questions.
- Convenient payment by card, SberPay and SBP.
Divide the purchase amount into several payments with the new payment tool "Instalments".
- Register in the app, get 300 welcome bonuses and immediately start accumulating points that can be spent on shopping and make your purchases even more profitable!
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