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Einführung in XML

FernUniversität in Hagen - CeW
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About Einführung in XML

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a meta-language, which was standardized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It serves the structured description of information in documents and makes it possible to separate data from its representation. This extensible and flexible language has become the data exchange format for different applications, regardless of platform or manufacturer. The course provides a solid understanding of the language XML and its applications and qualifies you to apply this knowledge in different XML contexts.

The course takes a practical and application-oriented in working with XML. It provides a solid basis of knowledge and gives an overview of advanced topics. A software package with XML tools, which is included with the CD-ROM, the price development supports the practical testing of concepts and techniques.

Chapter 1 provides an introduction to XML and explains the structure of this language. In addition, the development platform used in the course Eclipse is presented.
Chapter 2 shows how the structure of XML documents through the Document Type Definition (DTD) can be described. You'll also learn how elements and attributes are defined in XML documents.
In Chapter 3 we present the concept of namespaces and explain the benefits arising out of their use. Examples are used to show how namespaces are used in the context of XML.
Chapter 4 introduces XML schema before a second, equal to more powerful way of describing XML documents. Learn how you can create by using data types very precise specifications for XML documents.
Chapter 5 describes the standard XPath 2.0, XLink and XPointer, which are indispensable for today's XML-based applications. They allow powerful navigation options within the tree structure of XML documents.
Chapter 6 deals with the transformation of XML documents in almost any document formats through XSL and XSLT 2.0. There are fundamental aspects of the separation of content and layout and viewed with the Web server Apache Cocoon a small site is published.
Chapter 7 provides with SAX and DOM before the two most common techniques of XML processing. There are advantages and disadvantages of both approaches discussed and a small example in the Java language is implemented in each case.
Chapter 8 deals with RPC, XML-RPC and SOAP current XML-based applications and technologies for data exchange. In addition, Web and XHTML are presented.
In Chapter 9 links are combined to web resources, tools and namespaces used in your course again.

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