If you travel to any city or from different countries for the first time, we may not know the places to visit.
--- If you want to "create route to the nearest tomb" can be switched to navigation. You can create a route to the desired tomb by pressing the blue button under "optional".
--- In the information section, we also have brief information from each of our masters.
- If our users say the ads or applications they want to name and url (by mail: yennefer4568@gmail.com) then that ad will be removed. (At the moment 100 applications are blocked due to inappropriate advertising.)
--- If you want to "create route to the nearest tomb" can be switched to navigation. You can create a route to the desired tomb by pressing the blue button under "optional".
--- In the information section, we also have brief information from each of our masters.
- If our users say the ads or applications they want to name and url (by mail: yennefer4568@gmail.com) then that ad will be removed. (At the moment 100 applications are blocked due to inappropriate advertising.)
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