Filteroom is: Photo and Video filters for editing photos and videos in the same style, in popular editors Lightroom, VN, etc. We offer Presets in DNG format and filters in 3D LUT.
A few important facts about our application:
Presets are divided into categories.Finding the topic that interests you will not be difficult. Presets for city shots and shots created against a beautiful waterfall usually differ. The color rendition, the brightness level, the correction of certain tones are changing - there are many nuances. All that remains to be done is to dwell on a close category in order to simplify the process of selecting suitable presets.
Frequent updates. Do you like to experiment and delight subscribers, customers, friends with interesting shots, unique content, simply beautiful Instagram posts? The base of our presets is often updated with trending news.
Ease of use. Our application is suitable for everyone, and everyone will be able to navigate by sections and functions intuitively.
What opportunities does the use of the presets presented in the application open up:
You can just process photos taken on a professional camera in just a couple of clicks.
All photos can be “skipped” through one or more similar presets, making the pictures the same in color reproduction. This is especially useful for bloggers who attract subscribers with a beautiful ribbon in a single style.
You do not have to select the contrast, brightness parameters each time, work with shades, curves in Lightroom. Understanding the graphical editor is not so easy as to always get the perfect result, but this problem is solved by using our presets.
Using our application will greatly simplify the preparation of photographs for transfer to customers, posting on social networks, on photo banks.
How to use?
Using our presets is very easy. Just download the application, install it on your gadget, select the appropriate section. Look at the before and after photos. Think about what result you liked and what effect there is a desire to create on your photos.
Using the downloaded file is also easy. Open Lightroom, select a photo with a preset, and then copy the settings using the corresponding function in the application menu. Then return to the main Lightroom window, open your photo, and then click on the phrase “paste settings” in the menu. And it's all! Enjoy the beauty and unique look of your picture.
Presets will help to breathe new life into your shots, create an original style, invest a certain meaning ... We suggest downloading the application to personally evaluate its capabilities!
Filteroom privacy policy
Filteroom terms and conditions
A few important facts about our application:
Presets are divided into categories.Finding the topic that interests you will not be difficult. Presets for city shots and shots created against a beautiful waterfall usually differ. The color rendition, the brightness level, the correction of certain tones are changing - there are many nuances. All that remains to be done is to dwell on a close category in order to simplify the process of selecting suitable presets.
Frequent updates. Do you like to experiment and delight subscribers, customers, friends with interesting shots, unique content, simply beautiful Instagram posts? The base of our presets is often updated with trending news.
Ease of use. Our application is suitable for everyone, and everyone will be able to navigate by sections and functions intuitively.
What opportunities does the use of the presets presented in the application open up:
You can just process photos taken on a professional camera in just a couple of clicks.
All photos can be “skipped” through one or more similar presets, making the pictures the same in color reproduction. This is especially useful for bloggers who attract subscribers with a beautiful ribbon in a single style.
You do not have to select the contrast, brightness parameters each time, work with shades, curves in Lightroom. Understanding the graphical editor is not so easy as to always get the perfect result, but this problem is solved by using our presets.
Using our application will greatly simplify the preparation of photographs for transfer to customers, posting on social networks, on photo banks.
How to use?
Using our presets is very easy. Just download the application, install it on your gadget, select the appropriate section. Look at the before and after photos. Think about what result you liked and what effect there is a desire to create on your photos.
Using the downloaded file is also easy. Open Lightroom, select a photo with a preset, and then copy the settings using the corresponding function in the application menu. Then return to the main Lightroom window, open your photo, and then click on the phrase “paste settings” in the menu. And it's all! Enjoy the beauty and unique look of your picture.
Presets will help to breathe new life into your shots, create an original style, invest a certain meaning ... We suggest downloading the application to personally evaluate its capabilities!
Filteroom privacy policy
Filteroom terms and conditions
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