Dividend Investors finally have the best way to visualize and track their dividend income. Dividend Now allows you to automatically track all of your dividends in one place. You will save time on tracking your dividends, analyze your dividend income, view upcoming ex-dividend and dividend date and get latest news on all companies.
***Only US stocks available for now***
- see your holdings in one place
- see upcoming ex-dividend date
- set your dividend income goal
- 52 week high/low bar
- current yield and yield on cost
- projected monthly dividend income bar chart
- sector bar chart
- stock percentage pie chart
- dividend percentage pie chart
- ex-dividend calendar
- dividend overview
- dividend history
- stock return
- many more features and more to come
Disclaimer: This app and it’s content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed to constitute investment or financial advice. Currently, end of the day closing prices are shown for individual stocks.
***Only US stocks available for now***
- see your holdings in one place
- see upcoming ex-dividend date
- set your dividend income goal
- 52 week high/low bar
- current yield and yield on cost
- projected monthly dividend income bar chart
- sector bar chart
- stock percentage pie chart
- dividend percentage pie chart
- ex-dividend calendar
- dividend overview
- dividend history
- stock return
- many more features and more to come
Disclaimer: This app and it’s content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed to constitute investment or financial advice. Currently, end of the day closing prices are shown for individual stocks.
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