Find out how much time you spend with your family members, which places your loved ones visit most often and where they are right now! Enjoy advanced tools to keep in touch with your loved ones and protect them when needed. Get statistics about the time spent with your loved ones, analyze this information in order to become even closer to each other.
In FMLY, you can find useful features for you:
- Statistics on the time spent with loved ones;
- Current location of your family members;
- Favorite places marked on the map for ease of use of the app;
- Instant notification of arrivals in and out of added places.
Using FMLY is simple and intuitive: just add your loved ones to the app, see them on the map, and get data on the frequency of your interaction!
In FMLY, you can find useful features for you:
- Statistics on the time spent with loved ones;
- Current location of your family members;
- Favorite places marked on the map for ease of use of the app;
- Instant notification of arrivals in and out of added places.
Using FMLY is simple and intuitive: just add your loved ones to the app, see them on the map, and get data on the frequency of your interaction!
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